Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mmmm Coffee Grounds

I was on the phone this morning, in the living room.  Kingston was with me, however, he then ventured into the kitchen.  He loves hanging out by the fridge, playing with his vtech alphabet magnets.  He ususally chats while taking the magnets off & on the fridge, however, it was awfully quiet, and I asked Jaime to hold a minute while I went to check on him.  There he was, sitting on the floor, next to the trash with black stuff all over his face.  The black stuff happened to be coffee grounds from a Kcup!  He had removed it from the trash, opened it up and sampled the hazelnut kcup. When I asked him if he liked it, he shook his head "no". 

Here's a picture of him, happy as can be, face covered with coffee grounds. Future coffee drinker? Perhaps!

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